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Apply Korea 자료실

Apply Korea 자료실

The 1st AK Video Contest

The easiest and most convenient way to study abroad in Korea

Active in Korea study abroad service platform

The first video contest for international student mentors


[AK Mentor Video Contest Topic]

•Video explaining how to easily sign up for AK membership

•Video that easily explains how to become an AK Mentor


[AK Mentee Video Contest Topic]

•Video explaining how to easily sign up for AK Mentee membership

•Video that easily explains how to use AK Mentee


[AK Branding Video Contest Topic]

•Start your study abroad life in AK

•Study in Korea easily and conveniently in AK

•Study abroad in Korea 1:1 mentor service at AK


[Participation qualifications]

•Any student group or individual studying abroad in Korea

*However, AK membership registration is required.

•Submission to:

•All submitted videos will be awarded in order of views across all AK channels

•Submitted videos will not be returned.


[Video standard]

•Produced in Korean, English or native language

•Resolution HD 16:9 / 1:1 / 4:5

•30 seconds, 60 seconds, 120 seconds


[Application period]

Starts in March ~ Ends on Monday, April 1st


[Awards and prize money]

Grand prize: 500,000 won

Excellence Award: KRW 300,000

Encouragement Prize: 150,000 won

Entry Prize: Gifticon All


이전글 AK대학생 크리에이터 크루 ?방송 2팀을 선발합니다.
다음글 [AK MANAGER] 찾 / 습 / 니 / 다!