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[한국외국어대학교] ?拍摄后记-[Quiz on the Road]

작성일 : 2023-03-31






留学是一个很好的机会,可以让我们接触不同的文化和社会背景。 一位我很尊敬的前辈对我说过这样的一句话:留学不单单止步于学习,而是要更进一步的去感受当地的文化。我也认同去感受当地的文化是非常重要的,因为这可以帮助留学生更好地适应和融入当地社会,增强文化意识和跨文化交流能力。

Studying abroad is a great opportunity to be exposed to different cultures and social backgrounds. A former student whom I respect very much said to me that studying abroad is not only about studying, but also about going further to experience the local culture. I also agree that it is very important to experience the local culture because it helps international students to adapt and integrate into the local society better and enhance their cultural awareness and intercultural communication skills.


几个月前我收到了之前就读的高丽大学韩国语中心的联系,负责老师问我有没有兴趣参加一档由??문화체육관광부 해외문화홍보원组织的拍摄活动。拍摄是一种非常有趣和充满挑战的体验,所以在确认时间OK之后我就答应了这个邀请。

A few months ago I was contacted by the Korean Language Center at my previous school, Koryo University, and the teacher in charge asked if I would be interested in participating in a filming event organized by ??문화체육관광부 해외문화홍보원. The filming was a very interesting and challenging experience, so I said yes to the invitation after confirming that the time was OK.



The weather that day was actually a bit warm, and although it was autumn, there was a humid smell in the air. The show is a 30-minute live show, with a 10-minute condensed version to follow on YouTobe, which provides fun for viewers, not only by having interesting conversations with foreigners on the street, but also by giving us small gifts.



I got to chat with my three co-stars before we officially started filming. What made me nervous was the fact that the whole show was recorded in English! I was a little unsure of myself, but I had the courage to give it a try, as it takes a lot of practice to speak the language. Once filming started, it was much more interesting than I thought it would be! I wasn't too nervous about facing the camera. I didn't care too much about Korean pop music and made a bit of a mess, but I was glad I didn't make a fool of myself in the last ten minutes of the version!



Go to a wide variety of activities! Your life abroad will become more and more interesting because of these experiences!


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