무라트 마리아
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무라트 마리아 멘토
Hello Everyone~ My name is Maria and I’m from Kazakhstan. However, I spent most of my life living in Malaysia. I am currently an undergraduate student at Ewha Womans University majoring in Communication and Media. Growing up, my dream was to live and study in South Korea and I made it my reality and so can you! I went through the whole university application process by myself so I believe I can help you guys with yours as well^^ I also have experience of applying for the GKS scholarship so I can help with that too! I would have loved it if there was a service like this when I was applying to universities because it would have made it easier and less stressful. I am glad this service exists now for those who wish to achieve their goals and dreams in South Korea! I hope I can be of help and also be a part of your journey~
If any of you have questions just let me know and I will try my best to help each one fo you! I can also speak Russian and Kazakh so if you would like to send me questions in any of these languages,that’s also possible^^
Can’t wait to meet you all!!
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