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[서강대학교] Sogang University: Sogang Alumni Scholarship program
Eaindray Chan Myae (채리) 멘토
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   Hello! I’m Cherry from Myanmar. I’m currently studying at Sogang University, majored in Media, Arts & Science as a major, and Korean Society & Culture as a joint-major.

   Recently, I have received a scholarship given by Sogang Alumni team. The advantage is that it’s only eligible to foreign students, and the process is simple. We only have to fill up the personal information, together with an essay about how we’ll be participating the activities made by the team, and how we’re gonna pursue the academic/career path in the future. After that, we’ll have to wait for 2~4 weeks and the result will be announced through email. As far as I know, most of the students got the scholarship, all you have to do is to check the notice of the school portal always so that you don’t miss it.


Caution: the scholarship is given during the semester, and it doesn’t count in the tuition fees. The number of registration is limited to 2 times until we graduate, which means we can only apply for 2 times for this program.


The amount of scholarship for undergraduate students is 1.5million won per semester, and the amount of scholarship for graduate/ doctoral degrees is 5million won per semester.

Eaindray Chan Myae (채리) 멘토
멘티 38명 ∙ 스토리 6
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