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[서강대학교] A Step by Step Guide to Apply for a Student Visa for South Korea
HARTANE ALAA 멘토 2024-07-11
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Hello everyone, 


Today I will give you some insights about applying for a Korean student visa. The visa application process can be daunting,  however it can be simple if you have the correct knowledge and are ready. Here is a thorough how-to to assist you with the procedure:


1- Type of Visa:

The D-2 (Student Visa) is the applicable visa for the majority of international students. This visa is intended for individuals who intend to attend graduate or undergraduate programs in Korea.

2- Required Documents:

In general, you will need:

Passport: *Must be valid for at least six months after the planned length of stay.
Visa Application Form.
Passport-Sized Photos.
Admission Letter: The korean university you got accepted to will usually send you an admission letter by mail to your home address, needed for your visa application process.
Tuition receipt: Documentation proving you paid for your first semester.

Academic Records: Diplomas from previous education. 

3- Application Submission: 

Send your application to the Korean embassy or consulate that is closest to you. Although an in-person visit is normally necessary, some embassies might let you submit your application by mail.

4- Interview (if required):

Certain applicants may be asked to come in for an interview as a condition of getting a visa. Be ready to talk about your goals for your studies, your financial situation, and why you chose Korea.

7- Receive your Visa:

You'll receive notification to pick up your visa after it has been accepted. There are embassies that might offer to mail it to you as well.


By following these guidelines, you can effortlessly navigate through the visa application.

Thank you for reading and I'll see you in the next one! ^^ 


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