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Feruza Ergasheva 멘토
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SUN MOON UNIVERSETIDA baxtli talabalik hayotini kechirayotgan talabalar bilan sizni bugun tanishtiraman !!!!

SUN MOON UNIVERSE I introduce you today to students who are living a happy student life !!!!!!
Let's Go Logos - sarahwolfrum

Universitet campusida bo`sh vaqtlarda nimalar qilish mumkin ????

What can be done in free time on the university campus ????

1. Asosiy binoda kosheshop mavjud - siz yerda coffee time qilishiz mumkin 

2. Karaoke 

3. Kinoteatr

4. Game zone

5. Yashil o`rmon 

6. Katta hajmli campusda sayr 
7. Zamonaviy kutubhona 
8. Muzey 

9. VR 
10. CU magazinlar



1. The main building has a coffeeshop - you can make a coffee time on the ground 

2. Karaoke 

3. Cinema

4. Game zone

5. Green Forest 

6. Walk on a large-scale campus 

7. Modern polar 

8. Museum 

9. VR 




Siz shunchaki campusdan uzoqlashmasdan turib ham maroqli vaqtingizni o`tkazishingiz mumkin !!! 
Do`stlar davrasioda va o`zingiz bilgan hududda mazza qilib vaqtingizni o`tqaza olasiz !!!!!

You can simply spend your enjoyable time even before you move away from !! 

Friends can spend your time making fun of it in the circle and in the area you know !!!!


Feruza Ergasheva 멘토
멘티 81명 ∙ 스토리 4
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