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[선문대학교] Job Festival
Feruza Ergasheva 멘토 2023-12-06
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"Men ham Chuncheong tumani fuqorasiman" tadbiri sababli barcha yoshlar maroqli hordiq olishdi va turli yo'nalishlarda ish beruvchi kompaniyalar bilan yaqindan tanishish imkoniyatiga ega bo'lishdi.

Because of the event "I am also a citizen of Chuncheong District", all the young people had a fun time and had the opportunity to get to know the companies that employ them in various fields.

Aynan shu kun o'zida talabalarga o'qishni bitirib ishlash takliflari ham tadbirda qatnashgan kompaniyalar tomonidan berildi. 

On the same day, students were given job offers after graduation by the companies that participated in the event.

Tadbir so'ngida barcha talabalarga esdalik sovg'alar topshirildi.

Universitetda o`qish jarayonida mana shunga o`xshagan ko`plab tadbirlar o`tkaziladi. va bunda siz juda katta imkoniyatlarga ega bo`lishingiz mumkin. 

O`z sohangizga aloqador korxona bilan suhbatdan o`tib agarda mos keladigan bo`lsangiz siz albatta isga kirish imkoniga ega bo`lasiz )))

At the end of the event, souvenirs were given to all students.

During the course of studying at the university, many similar events are held. and you can have great opportunities in this. 

After an interview with an enterprise related to your field, if you are suitable, you will definitely have the opportunity to get a job)))



Feruza Ergasheva 멘토
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