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[서강대학교] ApplyKorea International Students Presentation Contest
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  ApplyKorea recently organized an exceptional event that brought together international students from diverse countries to share their insights and experiences on applying to Korean universities and adapting to life in Korea. The event saw the participation of 27 talented individuals, each presenting their unique perspectives and strategies. These presentations, characterized by their outstanding quality, offered valuable advice on navigating the application process for Korean universities and successfully integrating into Korean culture and society. Some participants chose to present in their native languages, while others showcased their proficiency by delivering their presentations in Korean. This linguistic diversity added a rich, multicultural dimension to the event. The culmination of the event featured an awards ceremony where six participants were recognized for their exceptional contributions. Two participants received bronze awards, another two were honored with silver awards, and the highest accolade, accompanied by a prize of 1,000,000 won, was awarded to a particularly outstanding presenter. The event not only highlighted the collective knowledge and experience of international students but also fostered a sense of community among the attendees.


멘티 55명 ∙ 스토리 4
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