TOPIK Information
오민영 PD
작성일 : 2022-06-27
TOPIK Purpose of test
· To guide those learning Korean as a second language and promote more widespread use of the Korean language
· To assess individual proficiency in the Korean language and allow test-takers to use their test results in filing college applications, job applications, etc.
TOPIK Eligibility
· Overseas Korean or non-Korean whose first language is not Korean and who:
- is currently learning Korean or wishes to study at a Korean college;
- wishes to work for a Korean company or public agency based in or outside Korea.
- Korean national who is currently studying at or has graduated from a school abroad
TOPIK Validity Period (TOPIK Score)
· Valid for two years from the announcement of the test score
TOPIK Potential Uses
· serving as admission and graduation standard for universities in Korea.
· applying for companies and public institutions in Korea and abroad.
· obtaining Visa for qualifications of permanent residency and employment, etc.
· taking courses under Global Korean Scholarship(GKS) Program
· serving as substitute credits and requirements of graduation for Korean majors in overseas universities.
TOPIK Management Organization
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